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Safety and Security with NCA

Planning for the future can be exciting. Planning for a new home, a grandkid or a dream vacation are all momentous occasions that will be celebrated for years to come. It’s easy to think of all the good things that will happen in the future, but what about the not-so-good things? Where do you turn if you need to plan for a flat tire next week, a computer crash next July or an emergency situation in five years?

It seems silly to plan for events that may never happen, but do you want to be stuck in those situations without help? At NCA, we want to make sure you’re covered no matter what life throws at you. Taking the time now to plan for you or your family’s safety can make all the difference down the road.

Emergency Services Planning

Carbonite Computer Backup Services It’s true that your computer isn’t the first thing you think about when you “plan for the worst.” But take a minute to think about what you may lose if your computer is stolen, crashes or dies. The family pictures from last Christmas, the copies of the home movies you digitized over the summer or even your tax, banking or medical records are all at risk.

With Carbonite Computer Backup Services, your computer files are automatically backed up using online banking encryption technology, so you never lose what’s important to you. Leverage the power of cloud storage to restore your computer if a crash occurs. Without it, you could lose priceless cherished memories if your computer crashes. Protect your memories, and your computer’s data, with this NCA exclusive offer.

Better World Club Roadside Assistance Service Your car is a symbol of freedom. The freedom to get out on the open road, drive through the mountains and valleys or run to the store for a gallon of milk. Planning for bumps in the road helps make sure you can road trip or run errands with the confidence in knowing you’re protected.

Better World Club is a roadside assistance service that takes a new look at Roadside assistance. They offer 24/7 auto and bicycle service across the US with an environmentally friendly approach. This towing and roadside service company is the only eco-friendly auto club that offers nationwide roadside assistance services. No one plans on getting a flat tire or running out of gas, but roadside emergencies happen, so get protected with Better World Club and NCA!

LifeStation Medical Alert System As we age, we value our ability to live independently more and more as the years go on. But what happens if you experience a fall or injury at home, and you’re unable to call for help or trigger a medical alert? With LifeStation, you’re connected to a medical professional in seconds for support and assistance during your personal medical emergency, making sure you’re okay and alerting emergency services if they’re needed. With a short setup time, you can have confidence in knowing if a personal medical emergency occurs, your medical jewelry will connect you with local emergency services. Get protected today with NCA and LifeStation Alert System.

Security Services Planning

Easy to Use Cell Phones Independence is one of the most important things in life. So if you or a loved one are growing older, it’s important to help them retain their independence and their ability to stay in touch. Greatcall is an amazing cell phone service that has exclusive deals for NCA Members, providing easy to use and reliable cell phones to anyone.

Greatcall Cell Phones gives you or a loved one the ability to contact friends, family and medical services all at the push of a button. Save time and money with affordable devices that are easy for anyone to use. Check out this exclusive offer for NCA members for more information.

The peace of mind that safety and emergency planning can bring to your life is priceless, but it doesn’t hurt to save a few bucks wherever you can. For more information on how you and your loved ones can plan for the future, visit NCA Savings and get protected!

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